Tuesday 13 January 2015

Hero teenager dies chasing suicide bomber away from his school in Pakistan

Source: HERE.

A tragic teenager has been hailed as a hero after he was killed chasing a suicide bomber away from his school in Pakistan.
Aitzaz Hasan, 17, died in the attack on the school in the village of Hangu, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
He was seen running after the suicide bomber moments before a huge explosion.
Hundreds of students and teachers were in the school at the time.
His father said Aitzaz made a sacrifice to save the lives of others.
"My son made his mother cry but saved hundreds of mothers from crying for their children," he told the English-language Express Tribune newspaper.
Scores of mourners attended the teenager's funeral and a Facebook page has been set up in tribute to his bravery.
Local resident Miqdar Khan said many people in the district have hailed Hasan as a hero, adding that the teen was known for openly criticising militants.
"Aitzaz Hasan used to tell all that one day he would capture some suicide bomber and his class fellows used to laugh," he said.
"But this boy proved what he said and I am sad that he left us too early."
Activist Malala Yousufzai, who was herself shot by the Taliban in Pakistan, has pledged to donate almost £5,000 to Hassan's family.
"Sacrificing his own life, Hasan saved hundreds of innocent young students from getting killed; I feel proud of his pious and courageous act. I wish his sacrifice brings peace to my people and my country," she said.
There a growing calls on social media for Hassan to be given a posthumous award for bravery.

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