Thursday 15 January 2015

Yohan Cohen: Hero Hostage Died Saving Child

Hostage Yohan Cohen died trying to wrestle a gun from terrorist Amedy Coulibaly as he held up innocent shoppers saving a child's life

By Nicola Harley1:11AM GMT 11 Jan 2015

Brave hostage Yohan Cohen died trying to protect the innocent shoppers with him, saving the life of a three-year-old, as he tackled armed gunman Amedy Coulibaly.
Yohen, 22, is one of four hostages killed when terrorist Coulibaly targeted the Hyper Cache supermarket in Porte de Vincennes in the east of Paris on Friday.
"The police said the terrorist threatened to kill a three-year-old boy and Yohan tried to stop it," his cousin Yonatan Cohen told Israeli media.
"He managed to grab the terrorist's weapon but before Yohan had a chance to shoot him, the terrorist put a bullet in his head and killed him on the spot."
He died along with Yoav Hattab, 21, Philippe Braham and Francois-Michel Saada.

Source HERE.

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