Wednesday 14 January 2015

This First Grader Shaved His Head So His Best Friend With Cancer Wouldn’t Feel Alone

In June, after feeling ill and tired for weeks, first-grader Zac Gossage was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a fast growing cancer of the white blood cells.

Despite frequent trips to the hospital, Zac almost never missed a day of school. He didn’t want to miss playing outside with his friend Vincent Butterfield at recess.

Curious about the disease affecting his friend, Vincent starting asking questions, and learned that Zac’s treatment was very expensive.

So he decided to help by selling scarves for $15. He raised over $200 for Zac’s family.

But he wasn't done there. One day, Vincent showed up to Mrs. Koester's class wearing a cap. "He pulls off his stocking cap and here I see that he shaved his head," said his teacher.

When asked why he did it, Vincent replied, "to make Zac feel like he's not the only one without any hair."

And when asked to define friendship, his answer was spot on: “A beautiful thing.”

More HERE.

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