Monday 12 January 2015

This scientist has saved one BILLION lives!

This scientist Richard Lewisohn (July 12, 1875 - August 11, 1961)'s work led to the storage of blood in blood banks, a discovery that is credited with saving over 1 billion lives!
Richard Lewisohn
(July 12, 1875 - August 11, 1961)

Before him, physicians in the United States, during the 1880s, transfused the milk of cows and goats into humans - a treatment that would also be banned due to the negative outcomes. Real breakthroughs came in the early 1900s as physicians began to match blood by types, based on Karl Landsteiner's work, and to experiment with storing it. The discovery of a means to store blood outside the body without it clotting (coagulating), was the key. Prior to this discovery, blood transfusions used the "direct" method, requiring the donor and the recipient to be side by side for the transfusion. The ability to store blood for later use was revolutionary, and led to the establishment of a worldwide system of blood banks. 
Source: HERE 

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